Tuesday, August 19, 2008


State Rep. Herb Adams is reminding Portlanders that the new application period for the "Circuit Breaker," the state Rent Refund and Property Tax rebate program, officially opens its next round for applications on August 1st.
The program is open to Mainers who are renters, homeowners, or elders. New income levels have opened the rebate program to thousands of new people. Single persons who earned $60,000 or less in 2007, or those with spouses or dependents who earned $80,000 or less in 2007, are over the first hurdle.
The number of successful applicants in 2006 hit record levels in Parkside, Bayside, and East Bayside, and the average refund was about $460, says Adams.
"Generally, if your 2007 property tax was 4% of your household income, or your rent in 2007 was 20% of your household income, you are in the ballpark for a refund, " says Adams. " But it is well worth the price of a stamp to find out. "
Maine elders are eligible for refunds up to $2,000 under the same program. All applications must be filed by June, 2009.
Free applications will be available in August at the Portland Public Library and at local markets such as DiPietro’s in East Bayside, Dyer's Market in Bayside, and Terroni's and Mellen Street Market in Parkside," and every other place that will let me in the door " says Adams.
Over 200,000 Maine households qualified for the program in 2006, a number expected to hit 230,000 in 2007.

After August 1, 2008, applicants may also file online at www.maine.gov/revenue.

"The earliest applicants get the fastest refunds," says Adams. "This is one of the most successful, direct-to-you state programs in Maine history. Winter is coming, and thrifty Baysiders should pinch every happy penny."

Free forms are also available by calling Rep. Adams at 772-2565.

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