Tuesday, August 19, 2008


State Rep. Herb Adams is urging Portlanders to apply for refunds due them under a multimillion dollar settlement reached between the State of Maine and the MEGA Life and Health Insurance Company.
Last month the Maine State Bureau of Insurance reached a court-ordered settlement for rate overcharges to Mainers who had individual health insurance policies with MEGA between 2004 and 2007. The total settlement due Mainers is about $5.5 million, said Adams.
MEGA is required to help locate the hundreds of potential policyholders and rebate claimants statewide.
Adams has located almost 100 Portland people and families owed rate rebates, plus interest, in the Parkside, Bayside, and East Bayside neighborhoods alone. The state list of possible claimants in Portland city-wide totals "about 500 names, an amazing number for our small city " said Adams.
"These are tough times, and everyone who is eligible for refunds should claim them quickly " said Adams. To protect privacy, Adams is not releasing the West End list at this time but will be contacting individuals listed and encourages all Portlanders who think they may be owed a rebate to contact the State Bureau of Insurance directly at 1-800-300-5000.
The amount of each refund will depend on the length of time a person held a MEGA policy between 2004- 2007 and the kind of coverage held.
MEGA Life and Health Insurance Company specialized in coverage for small business and the self-employed.
Rep. Adams may be contacted at 772-2565 for help and the State claims help line is 1-800-300-5000 toll-free.

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